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Posts tagged ‘laughter’


Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou

“Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I maintain an attitude of gratitude. If I insist on being pessimistic, there is always tomorrow. Today I am blessed.”
—  Maya Angelou

While reflecting on the above quote, let’s consider this:
Like many of us,  Maya had an early history of abuse.
And, like many of us she developed a variety of coping mechanisms to get through the rest of her life.
For me, I always had a sense of a SPIRITUAL PRESENCE with me. I didn’t question that presence. No, I don’t know why. I just know that even in my despair of those years, I still felt a presence with me.
So, I guess one could say I’ve always been on a Spiritual Journey, at least since about four years old.
Somewhere along the line, I developed my “weird” SENSE OF HUMOR that tends to see the ironies in everyday life.  That’s been a key coping mechanism through the years, and now I frequently talk about the healing power of LAUGHTER.
After the memories of the early abuse returned, exactly 23 years ago today, I learned about FORGIVENESS and how my deep spiritual awareness made that possible. What a healing it was to truly let go.
And, that brings me around to what Maya speaks of:  GRATITUDE. I talk about GRATITUDE frequently because that is what my journey has taught and is teaching me. GRATITUDE in every day.
GRATITUDE in the small things that cause me to smile, such as: 10# bundle of energy, my 13-yr. old mini-doxie, Heidi; my cozy apartment with the deck & its beautiful wooded view that nurtures my soul; a successful Haiku when I can tame my natural wordiness to 17 syllables; my family; my spiritual friends; my health & talents that are still intact (I turn 69 in a couple weeks!) and MANY more.
There have been other tragedies, like my younger son’s suicide 23 years ago. But, there have been MANY occasions  for Optimism and MANY more for GRATITUDE.
Blessed be.

LAUGHTER as Spiritual Practice

LAUGHTER is a part of the human survival kit.

~ David Nathan

Today I stop taking everything so seriously!


Everyday before your morning meditation, enjoy a couple of Deep, Hardy, Vigorous LAUGHS!

Those Laughs will bring fresh oxygen into your brain & the rest of your body, and they will remind you how great it is to be alive today!

Plus, a bonus for anyone concerned about wrinkles: All that bright, clean oxygen enlivening your facial muscles will not only give you a whole new outlook on your day, but you will also look younger and more alive!
(The extra boost of oxygen into those skin cells on your face smooth out the wrinkles and give the skin a healthy glow!)

So, start your day with some hardy laughs and make your own day!!

Psst–Did you know that you can actually LAUGH any time YOU want during your day!

Am I hearing an Elmo Laugh?? Giggle-giggle. Maybe because I was just watching a PBS show about the creator of Elmo on Sesame Street. You know that infectious Laugh of his! He has something to teach us about Laughter and a Light view of Life. Elmo has lessons for us about LOVE too, but we’ll save that for another day.
Blessed be.

Hello world!

Hi, there!

My vision for this, my first blog, is to share positive ideas with inspiring pictures & words. Also, I hope  to encourage open, respectful & positive dialogues about what concerns us today and tomorrow.

That vision comes out of the focus of my personal journey, which is:

First, to continue my own healing and further my spiritual growth.

Second, to share some of what I learn with you.
After all, isn’t that what we are all here on the planet at this time to do–to learn from each other, to serve  and to make the world a better place for all life?

When my healing path & spiritual journey was kicked into super high gear during a tumultuous year, 1989, even in the middle of the first crisis, I knew what I was experiencing & awakening to was about more than me. Even at that point, I was aware that there was a bigger picture:  I was only one part of a bigger whole.

Therefore, third, to continue to work as a positive change agent in the world at whatever levels I can have an impact.

“But, wait, there’s more…! If you call in the next five minutes….”
Oops! I forgot what I was doing. No, not really.
That little side-track was to let you know that this blog will not be all seriousness, because…

Fourth, part of my gift is a WEIRD, IRONIC, WICKED, GOOFY, OUT-THERE sense of humor!! Some of those adjectives are mine and some come from friends, like my dear friend, “glorybtoyou.” I just naturally see the ironic in much of life. So, you might guess that some of my mentors are Swami Beyondananda, SARK, and others who remind us of the importance of Laughter, even when we don’t wanna!

So, here we go. Let’s have some fun. I want to hear from YOU. You’ll have things to share with me, and I’ll have things to share with you–some of which could teach or enlighten or show a path  on which both of us will grow or maybe cause a chuckle.

